Sunday, February 12, 2012

Astonishing Findings On Hormetic Effects | New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Exposure to toxic can generally harm a person. However, the hormesis phenomenon shows that toxins may still be beneficial in controlled doses. In addition, minimum exposure to stress also have beneficial hormetic effect on the body. The experiments to properly establish this theory still continues.

A number of research show how hormesis can extend a person?s life, improve the health and resist stress. Low dose of some toxic chemicals have stimulating effects on brain neurons. This may be a lead in finding cure for many neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, it shows that short term starvation may increase stress resistance.

Oxidative stress from highly intensive exercise programs also proved to be beneficial in the long term. This is in contrast to less stress in low level routines. This is the best paradigm of hormesis displayed on human.

Too much alcohol has also been proven to cause cardiovascular disease, malabsorption, liver diseases, cancer and other diseases. However, minimum dosage of alcoholic beverages can actually help prevent heart disease and stroke.

A very lethal toxin that may cause damage to the brains also shows this phenomenon. It is the methylmercury, a very potent neurotoxic pollutant. An experiment showed that it increased the mallard eggs? hatching rate. However no similar experiment had been done to human yet because of the danger it poses.

Being exposed to repetitive minimal stress may also combat aging. The irradiation, pro-oxidants, food restriction, heat shock and hypergravity are some of the stress causative agents that have positive biological effects. Stressful actions, stimuli and challenges also seem to help improve the biological system?s complexity in a human.

However, there are also many controversies surrounding the findings. This is because there had been no recorded data that directly shows how hormetic effects extends a person?s life. Hence, research and developments are still done in this regard.

Learn more here: hormetic

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