Friday, August 31, 2012

Keep your distance: Why cells and organelles don't get stuck

ScienceDaily (Aug. 30, 2012) ? Biomembranes enclose biological cells like a skin. They also surround organelles that carry out important functions in metabolism and cell division. Scientists have long known in principle how biomembranes are built up, and also that water molecules play a role in maintaining the optimal distance between neighboring membranes-otherwise they could not fulfill their vital functions.

Now, with the help of computer simulations, scientists of the Technische Universit?t M?nchen (TUM) and the Freie Universit?t Berlin have discovered two different mechanisms that prevent neighboring membrane surfaces from sticking together. Their results appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Biomembranes consist of lipids, chain-like fat molecules stacked side by side. In the aqueous environment of cells, the lipids organize themselves into a so-called bilayer with fat-soluble "hydrophobic" ends of the molecular chains facing inward and water-soluble "hydrophilic" ends facing outward. If the water-soluble surfaces of two membranes come too close to each other, a pressure is generated-hydration repulsion-that prevents the membrane surfaces from touching. Between two intact biomembranes there is always a film of water just a few nanometers thick. Until now, however, it was unclear how hydration repulsion works on the molecular level.

By means of complex simulations, the scientists discovered two different mechanisms whose contribution depends on the distance between the membranes. If the membranes are separated by around one nanometer or more, the water molecules play the decisive role in holding them apart. Since they have to orient themselves simultaneously to the lipids of both membrane surfaces, they give up their preferred spatial arrangement. Then they function like "bumpers," pushing the membranes apart. When the separation is smaller, the lipids in the opposing membrane surfaces mutually inhibit their own mobility, and the repulsive force is increased.

For some time, these two mechanisms had been discussed as possible explanations for hydration repulsion. Now, with their computer simulations, the scientists from TUM and FU Berlin have for the first time correctly predicted the strength of the pressure, that is, in agreement with experimental results. In doing so, they have elucidated in detail the significance of the different mechanisms. "We were able to predict the water pressure so accurately because we determined the chemical potential of the water precisely in our computations," explains Dr. Emanuel Schneck, formerly a member of the work group of FU Berlin Professor Roland Netz (then at TUM). Schneck is currently a researcher at the Institute Laue Langevin (ILL). "The chemical potential indicates how 'willing' the water molecules are to stay in a particular spot. In order for us to obtain correct results, the potential at the membrane surfaces and the potential in the surrounding water must have the same value in our simulations."

The researchers now want to translate their results to many more biological surfaces and, in the process, initiate considerably more complex computer models.

This research was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG SFB 765), and by the Ministry for Economy and Technology (BMWi) in an Allianz Industrie Forschung (AiF) project framework.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Freie Universitaet Berlin, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. E. Schneck, F. Sedlmeier, R. R. Netz. Hydration repulsion between biomembranes results from an interplay of dehydration and depolarization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1205811109

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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98-year-old message in bottle sets world record

LONDON (AP) ? It was scooped up from the sea after 98 years, and now officials say a message in a bottle discovered in Scotland has set a world record.

Fisherman Andrew Leaper found the bottle? released in 1914 ? in his nets in April while sailing east of the Shetland Islands, which lie off Scotland's northern coast.

Guinness World Records confirmed Thursday the find is the oldest message in a bottle ever recovered, beating a previous record by five years.

It was released in a batch of 1,890 bottles in a government experiment to map the undercurrents of the seas around Scotland.

Inside each bottle, a postcard asks the finder to record details of the discovery and promises a reward of a sixpence. Unfortunately for Leaper, the coin no longer exists.


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mosesjohnsen: Amy Tan speaking about creativity - blog*spot

I?ve recently watched this TEDTalk, and I was particularly interested in what Amy?calls ?moral ambiguity? which has to do with the discrepancy between authorial intention and actual effect ? an interesting topic for those of us who are into creative writing.

I hope you enjoy it.?>><<? Any thoughts?

Discussion Questions:

  • To what extent do you consider the possible effect that your work might have on a given audience?
  • To what extent can a writer be held responsible for the effect that his/her work has?
  • What are the ways in which a writer can control the effect of a literary work?? What are some of the things that a writer cannot control?? (For those of you who have taken or are taking any Literary Criticism courses, feel free to pull a Stanley Fish, or an Immanuel Kant, or an Edward Corbett.)

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cat videos get their moment at Minn. film festival

Katie Hill, a program associate with the Walker Art Center, shows a frame from a cat video of a cat playing the piano Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in Minneapolis. The Walker will present its first "Internet Cat Video Film Festival" to showcase the best in filmed feline hijinks. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

Katie Hill, a program associate with the Walker Art Center, shows a frame from a cat video of a cat playing the piano Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in Minneapolis. The Walker will present its first "Internet Cat Video Film Festival" to showcase the best in filmed feline hijinks. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

(AP) ? Warning: This is a story about online cat videos. If you're among the seemingly tiny minority of the general population not interested in watching a 1-minute clip of a cat in a T-shirt pounding on a keyboard, then move along.

For everyone else, a new measure of respectability is looming for an Internet pleasure that is both massively popular and, for some people, a bit embarrassing. The Walker Art Center, a well-regarded museum of modern art in Minneapolis, on Thursday is presenting its first "Internet Cat Video Film Festival" to showcase the best in filmed feline hijinks.

With about 70 videos over 60 minutes, the Walker is mounting a social experiment as much as a film festival. At issue is whether cat video lovers used to gorging on the clips in the privacy of their homes will do so in public ? an online community of fellow aficionados interacting face to face for the first time.

"It is a cultural phenomenon that raises some interesting questions," said Katie Hill, the Walker program associate who first suggested the festival.

But Hill, a self-described "art historian and cat lady," was quick to add: "I'm not a behavioral psychologist, I'm not a sociologist. I just think they're funny and cute, and I think a lot of other people do too."

The numbers bear it out. Some of the classics of the form have racked up tens of millions of YouTube page views. The aforementioned "Keyboard Cat" posted 26.3 million page views since it was posted in 2007. A 30-second clip titled "Very Angry Cat" ? can you guess the plot? ? has 78.5 million page views since 2006.

"Some you just watch over and over and over again," said Angie Bailey, a cat blogger and owner from Chisago City, Minn., covering the film festival for the website "When you want to laugh and feel good it's sort of an escape from what happens in the real world."

Walker programmers got about 10,000 submissions for the festival after initially expecting several hundred. They whittled that down to the 70 videos to be shown on an outdoor screen on the museum's grounds.

Afterward, festivalgoers will be able to vote online for a "Best in Show" award. In addition, the Walker programmers picked a "Golden Kitty Award" to be bestowed at the end of the night.

"The Walker has advised, if you bring your cat put it on a leash," said Josh Feist, a Minneapolis arts administrator who planned to take his cat, Pickles, to the show. "It could be potentially crazy if there are hundreds of people who bring their cats. It will be interesting to see what develops."

Get the video cameras ready.

Associated Press


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NASA Uncovers Millions of New Black Holes

coondoggie writes "NASA today said its Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer satellite has unearthed a 'bonanza of new-found supermassive black holes and extreme galaxies called hot DOGs, or dust-obscured galaxies.' NASA said the latest discoveries help astronomers better understand how galaxies and the behemoth black holes at their centers grow and evolve together." The news was released in a press conference, and io9 has a comprehensive write-up about everything that was covered, including the Q&A session. Pretty pictures here.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Christie fires up Republicans with Obama critique

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? With a rowdy fist-pump, blunt and brash New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie lit a fire under the Republican National Convention, labeling Democratic President Barack Obama part of the complacent status quo.

"It's been easy for our leaders to say not us, and not now, in taking on the tough issues. And we've stood silently by and let them get away with it," the first-term Republican governor said with a rock star's rasp during the keynote address Tuesday night. "But tonight, I say enough."

His mission was to make the case against Obama and fire up a convention delayed in its start by a tropical storm.

Like a coach before a football game, Christie implored the thousands inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum to rally behind GOP nominee Mitt Romney and his running mate, Paul Ryan.

"Everybody stand up. There's no time left to waste," the outspoken former prosecutor shouted.

"What will our children and grandchildren say of us? Will they say we buried our heads in the sand, we assuaged ourselves with the creature comforts we've acquired, that our problems were too big and we were too small, that someone else should make a difference because we can't?" he told his fellow Republicans. "Or will they say we stood up and made the tough choices needed to preserve our way of life?

Judging by the thundering cheers inside the arena, Christie hit his mark. That outspoken style made him a Republican Party star and helped earn him the plum, prime-time speaking gig.

He rocketed up the GOP ranks in 2009, winning the Democratic-heavy Eastern state the year after Obama was elected and establishing a reputation as confrontational to big labor and public employees. Early in the GOP nominating campaign, Republicans uninspired by Romney aggressively urged Christie to seek the nomination.

New York delegate David Shimkin said he admired Christie's frankness. "He doesn't seem to have a filter. A lot of candidates don't do that," Shimkin said.

As keynote speaker, Christie was tasked with making the prime-time pitch for Romney, who remains something of a mystery to voters even though polls show him locked in a close contest with Obama.

Christie considered running for the nomination himself but months ago decided to endorse Romney, who made a personal entreaty for Christie's support as the GOP primaries were getting under way.

Christie on Tuesday waved off a published report that he had turned down an offer to be Romney's running mate because he didn't think Romney could win in November.

"Not only do I believe he can win, I think he will win," Christie told "CBS This Morning."

Temperamentally and stylistically the opposite of the buttoned-up Romney, Christie acknowledged in interviews that the former Massachusetts governor has work to do to close the sale with some voters, especially women.

"Mitt Romney's going to have to win this campaign. He's going to have to let the American people see who he is," Christie said on ABC's "Good Morning America," adding that Romney's choice Ryan as his running mate had brought more energy to the ticket.

After he toppled Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine in 2009, national Republicans embraced Christie for his tough talk on fiscal matters and for taking on public employee unions, especially teachers. Web videos of Christie berating teachers at town hall meetings quickly went viral, giving Christie a large national audience. Critics dubbed him "Gov. YouTube," suggesting he was more interested in getting publicity for himself than for improving New Jersey's finances.

Democrats warned that viewers shouldn't buy Christie's claim of a "Jersey comeback." They pointed to economic data showing the state still grappling with weak employment and high property taxes.

"Chris Christie is taking the stage in Tampa tonight to talk about his favorite topic: himself," state Assemblyman John Wisniewski told reporters during a conference call before the speech. "Gov. Christie's record in New Jersey is certainly not a model for our nation, and the people in Tampa should know that."

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, chairman of the Democratic Governors Association and a likely 2016 presidential contender, went further, saying he expected Christie to deliver an "angry, Don Rickles keynote extolling the virtues of their candidate, Mitt Romney, who had one of the worst job creation rates in the nation."


Fouhy reported from Washington. Associated Press writer Brian Bakst in Tampa, Fla., contributed to this report.

Follow Beth Fouhy on Twitter at and Thomas Beaumont at


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Happy 18th Birthday, Courtney Stodden!

Let the countdown to her porn career begin!

Courtney Stodden, the plastic wannabe reality star with a terrible singing voice who is married to 51-year old Doug Hutchison, is now 18 years old. She celebrates her birthday today.

Courtney Stodden with Doug Hutchison

Stodden rose to quasi fame last year when she married her MUCH older actor of a husband and proceeded to take Kim Kardashian-like behavior to new extremes.

Lacking a sex tape and a rich family, however, Courtney has resorted instead to X-rated Tweets, very low cut dresses and strange vegetable commercials. It's both sad and hilarious, really.

Relive the past year of this desperate D-list star's life now via the following photo montage and send in your best birthday wishes:

Courtney Stodden in Los AngelesCourtney Stodden Twit PicCourtney Stodden FashionCourtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison in Los AngelesCourtney Stodden Facebook Photo

Courtney Stodden Music Video StillSad StoddenMaking Like Sharon TateCourtney Stodden Picture


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Mortgage Fraud Blog - Real Estate Fraudster Admits Massive Bank ...

Thomas E. Arney, 56, Chesapeake, Virginia, pled guilty to engaging in a massive bank fraud scheme that contributed to the failure of the Bank of the Commonwealth. Arney pled guilty to a three-count criminal information charging him with conspiracy to commit bank fraud, unlawful monetary transactions, and making false statements. ?

Arney faces a maximum penalty of five years each for the conspiracy and false statement counts and 10 years in prison for the unlawful monetary transactions count when he is sentenced on December 3, 2012.

According to the statement of facts filed with his plea agreement, Arney admitted that he performed favors for insiders at the Bank of the Commonwealth in exchange for preferential lending treatment and assisted insiders in concealing the extent of the Bank's true financial condition by purchasing bank-owned property.

For example, Arney admitted in court that in June 2008 he purchased a condominium owned by the bank's chief executive officer, Edward J. Woodard, and that Woodard and commercial loan officer Stephen G. Fields caused the bank to fully fund a $433,000 loan for the purchase of the property. Arney falsely represented that he intended to use the condominium located on Boush Street as a second home. In fact, Arney admitted that he purchased the condominium as a favor to Woodard and in return for preferential treatment on his loans at the bank. In his statement of facts, Arney stated that Woodard made a $52,877.45 profit on the sale of this property. Arney never made a single principal payment on the loan.

According to court records, in November 2008, the Bank of the Commonwealth sent to the Federal Reserve an application requesting approximately $28 million from the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Based on its regulator's concerns about the health of the bank, the Federal Reserve later requested that the bank withdraw its TARP application, which the bank did.

From 2008 up to its closing in 2011, the bank lost nearly $115 million. Court records allege that the bank's failure will cost the federal government through the deposit insurance fund in excess of $260 million.

Neil H. MacBride, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia; John Boles, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's Norfolk Field Office; Rick A. Raven, Special Agent in Charge of the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation's Washington, D.C. Field Office; Christy L. Romero, Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP); and Jon T. Rymer, Inspector General of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC-OIG), made the announcement after the plea was accepted by United States District Judge Raymond A. Jackson.

This ongoing investigation is being conducted by the FBI's Norfolk Field Office, IRS-CI, SIGTARP, and the FDIC-OIG. Assistant United States Attorneys Katherine Lee Martin, Melissa E. O'Boyle and Uzo E. Asonye are prosecuting the case on behalf of the United States.

The investigation has been coordinated by the Virginia Financial and Securities Fraud Task Force, an unprecedented partnership between criminal investigators and civil regulators to investigate and prosecute complex financial fraud cases in the nation and in Virginia. The task force is an investigative arm of the President's Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force, an interagency national task force.

President Obama established the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force to wage an aggressive, coordinated, and proactive effort to investigate and prosecute financial crimes. The task force includes representatives from a broad range of federal agencies, regulatory authorities, inspectors general, and state and local law enforcement who, working together, bring to bear a powerful array of criminal and civil enforcement resources. The task force is working to improve efforts across the federal executive branch and, with state and local partners, to investigate and prosecute significant financial crimes, ensure just and effective punishment for those who perpetrate financial crimes, combat discrimination in the lending and financial markets, and recover proceeds for victims of financial crimes.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

entertaining: egotistical gilli: Special Reference and Education Press ...

Teachers have a significant role to perform in the development of a child?s overall knowledge. A primary educator will be accountable for educating many of the necessary knowledge and style that a child will probably need to relate with the world and to comprehend his journey through completely different situations. The lessons in proficiencies like reading, writing, and dealing with mathematical problems will be developed as a child moves on to greater stages and will retain with him all through his daily life as a knowledgeable and educated adult. There?s no doubt that an outstanding teacher provides a powerful impact on the basic foundation of a child?s perceptive abilities, emotional progress, and over-all outlook in life.

Plenty of people have the abilities and the determination to expect this essential task, while some may choose to practice different but equally valuable tasks within the classroom. Instead of study and get qualification to become a teacher in a certain stage, individuals thinking about a teaching position can choose to employ for part time teaching job opportunities as educating helpers.

In the U.K., teaching assistants usually employment in primary, secondary, or special schools. They offer necessary assistance to educators, facilitators, and pupils through a different range of educating roles. In some organizations, assistants may have overall tasks within a school room, while some may be designated to manage the education of a selected pupil or of a specified group of learners.

Training helper jobs in nurseries or primary educational institutions can be routine chores such as setting up the school room before students come in, proving art and craft works, managing play and dining spaces, escorting kids while having open air routines or expeditions, organising details, and liaising with guardians, carers, along with other teaching professionals.

Typically, there are no set prerequisites for a educating assistant?s skills, however, many organizations would favor that job hopefuls have nationally recognized credentials. They have to be at least Eighteen years of age to begin training in the field and those with applicable knowledge in nursery nursing and play task can be pondered. Volunteer assistants in schools can also train as teaching helpers at the same time. Job hopefuls with no previous knowledge in working with students or in education would be advisable to obtain distinct vocational skills.

Make life more interesting by discovering and valuing another topics.

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Insuring A Classic Vehicle ? Auto Insurance For Vintage Cars ...

Whether you own a 1965 Mustang that?s a work in progress or a priceless 1930s-era Pierce-Arrow, having classic car insurance is perhaps the best investment you can make. The last thing you want is to lose your investment in the event of a crash, natural disaster or any other event that could leave your classic car a total loss. When it comes to high value collectibles, it pays to have insurance that is dedicated to covering expensive and priceless classics.

Although the idea of insuring your classic car has been around for decades, less than half of the classic cars that are on the road today are covered under this insurance. Many people simply add their classic car onto their existing, ordinary auto insurance policy. Most people are unaware of the benefits of covering their vehicle under a classic car insurance policy.

Unlike ordinary auto insurance, classic car insurance requires several stipulations to be met before creating a new policy. The stipulations govern how the car can be used while it?s covered by the classic car insurance policy. In most cases:

  • The car has to be a certain age or older to qualify for coverage.
  • The car?s primary owner/driver needs to be a certain age or older.
  • Yearly mileage is limited to 2,500 miles or less.
  • The car can?t be driven for commercial use.
  • The car must be driven only to car shows, exhibitions, etc.
  • The car must be kept in a secure enclosure.
  • Drivers should have as few traffic violations as possible.

After meeting the above stipulations, classic car owners should contact a reputable insurance agency that specializes in insuring classic cars either directly (by phone or in person) or through their online website. At this point, all you have to do is follow the application process and wait for an agent to give their approval for the policy in question. Once you receive your insurance documents and confirmation of your policy, your classic car will be covered by your insurance provider.

The average auto insurance policy pays out a depreciated book amount, or ?actual cash value? (ACV), in the event of a claim. This book amount can be considerably less than what the vehicle is actually worth, especially a classic car whose value has appreciated over the years.

If you own a classic car that is worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, you can easily see the problem of getting only a fraction of your car?s value.

Some insurance policies allow classic car owners to declare a ?stated value? for their collectibles. The stated value actually corresponds to the amount of coverage you can afford and not the actual value of the vehicle itself. Therefore, the stated value can be far less than the actual value of your classic car.

Although the stated value for the vehicle can be greater than the depreciated book amount, you still might not be able to get the full value of your vehicle in the event of a total loss. In addition, loopholes can allow your insurance provider to default back to ACV in certain cases.

One major benefit to having a classic car insurance policy is the ability to have ?agreed value? coverage. The agreed value of the vehicle is discussed and set by the owner and the agent before the policy is issued. If the vehicle is declared a total loss, the insurance company guarantees to pay this agreed upon value, without any exceptions.

The average yearly premium for a classic car insurance policy depends on the agreed value of the vehicle and the driver?s own risk factors, among many other variables. Most classic car owners should expect to pay somewhere around the $1,000 mark annually for a typical classic car insurance policy, although many variables can either increase or decrease that premium.

In-depth research, available at and other sources, is recommended with regard to all aspects of classic car insurance policies.


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Acquire Banner Mounting Hardware as well as other Supplies On the

Banners can be created from diverse materials ? cloth, plastic, vinyl, and also plastic, amongst others. These typically show a logo design or an imprinted message to promote a product, affair, or an invitation. With much more businesses going on the internet, banner advertising are also utilized to publicize products or web sites ? these scroll across the pc screen with their message. These days, you could use software to design messages for the ad banners and then take them to the printers. Based on the size of the banner, it could be set in a particular spot using productive banner mounting hardware.

A standard approach to featuring banners are retracting displays. Standard sized banners can be hung between poles making use of pieces of nylon string. Banners ordinarily have grommets in all four corners for hanging. A few companies manufacturing reliable banner mounting hardware provide the following:

- mounting brackets with arms that may be entirely fixed or moved.
- Pole brackets as well as arms for flags
- wall-mounted plates
-custom components and others

Have a look at supplier internet sites for additional info on features, sizes, and tensile power. Almost all banners are created to endure most weather conditions. There are businesses, however, offering to secure ad banners they manufactured during specifically bad weather conditions, both to stop problems to your investment and to avoid accidents.

There are thousands of signs marketing or stating something, specifically in extremely populated areas, at any given time. They vary in size, shape, and effectiveness. Plenty of thought goes into putting out the best kind of message to bring in clients. Obtaining the appropriate sign and the proper message at the right place is an efficient business tool. It is also a less expensive yet more efficient method to spend your promoting spending budget. The task behind creating banners and signs is very elaborate ? overall layout, measurements of the material, visuals in the logo, border sort if any, hues, contrasts, font sizes, and the material used to produce the sign.

You can even make use of quality sign making supplies to make invitations, indicate information on the roads or in establishments just like a shopping mall or an business building, and others. Signs may be used to bring in client traffic. The ideal products in the world still require appropriate marketing to sell. Acquiring custom made signs to differentiate your business is a good technique.

Locate affordable sign making supplies from businesses on the internet giving diverse marketing supplies and strategies. Decide on the message you want to released then pick the medium for featuring it (vinyl, pennants or flags, permanent magnet boards, plastic peel off signs, fabric, or perhaps paper).

Printer inks also come under affordable sign making supplies. Discover uses for these items in your workplace, or if you?re in the retail business, you may call for design software, paints, brushes, adhesives, application tape, as well as cutting accessories to finish an advertising project. Businesses may also tend to get LED signs to announce their profile. Try to find an online company offering these efficient tools for advertising.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Search engine marketing Services - the common hoster

Post by Damien Donnelly

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Originally posted 2012-06-03 03:09:46.


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How to keep cool and cut home energy costs | Randumbprod Home ...

(ARA) ? The warm weather and long days of summer can give us a free and easy feeling ? that is, until it?s time to pay the utility bill. Utility costs can add up fast with increased use of the air conditioner, appliances and other household items during peak times. Yet it?s easy to cut energy bills if you take simple steps to adjust your daily routine. Here are some tips for staying cool while reducing energy costs this summer.

Change your air filter
Every change of season comes with the need to change the air filter on your home?s heating and cooling system. Change it at least every three months and possibly more often at high-use times like summer. A clean filter keeps dust and dirt from bogging down the airflow, helping to cool your home without racking up extra costs.

Keep cool efficiently
Installing a programmable thermostat will allow you to set a schedule for your indoor temperature throughout the day, ensuring greater efficiency and home comfort. With some models you can pre-set temperatures throughout the week to match your family?s comings and goings, or even adjust your temperature remotely. Adjusting the temperature even a little can help a lot: in the summer, cooling costs can be cut up to 6 percent per each degree you raise the thermostat, according to American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning.

Get in hot water ? the good way
Lower your water heating costs by wasting less hot water. Instead of taking a bath in a tub filled with hot water, take a refreshing shower using a low-flow showerhead. Other hot-water-saving habits: use only the cold water cycle of your automatic clothes washer, and when using the dishwasher, wash only full loads and use the air-dry cycle. You can even reduce hot water use around the house by simply repairing leaks in faucets and pipes ? according to the U.S. Department of Energy, a leak of one drip per second can cost $1 per month.

Lighten costs with new light bulbs
Some of the newer energy saving light bulbs provide colors and light levels similar to traditional bulbs, but require less energy to produce light. For example, energy-saving incandescents provide about 25 percent energy savings; compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) provide about 75 percent savings, and light emitting diodes (LEDs) offer about 75 to 80 percent savings, according to

Get your HVAC system in shape
People often resolve to get in better shape over the summer, so keep your home?s heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system in shape as well by scheduling a tune-up with a qualified ac repair Boca Raton technician. For example, an independent American Standard Customer Care Dealer can inspect your system for efficiency and recommend adjustments. In addition, if your system is more than 10 years old, replacing it with a more energy-efficient model may save you money in the long run. To schedule your Boca A/C Repair visit


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Business Network Versus Cultural Community | ACTIVE WORLD ...

Choices, choices, choices?..There is a major problem in regards to doing business online.Every morning another chance, another choice?..What can you do?The problem with Internet marketing may be the mind-boggling opportunity of all of the plans and choices for placing a little home business into a global industry. It could be like putting a lamb in to a lion?s den. Their way is lost by many people just from the overwhelming amount of options readily available for finding successful on-line income training.As Todd Oldfield, an of mine, says, ?Chase one rabbit at a time! If you make an effort to pursue two rabbits at the same time you?ll not capture any!?So are there any best social media sites for business?Or is really a first-rate business marketing program the best choice?Social systems are the buzz of the Internet. Ask anybody in regards to the best social networking websites for business and they will say sometimes Facebook or Google. But are they the very best for your Facebook and business?Google are presently in a sparring match to see who will turn out on top. While countless smaller social systems scramble for a piece of the social network pie. Does this work for your business?First of, let us have a look at a business community. LinkedIn distinguishes it self as you of the finest business marketing internet sites for organizations and occupations. In fact, you?d not join LinkedIn only for interacting like you do social networks. LinkedIn includes a free membership, as well as more functions available with a paid membership. The paid memberships begin at $29.95 per month and go up to $75.95 per month.The paid memberships give you the power to see more profiles, send messages to anyone on LinkedIn, find out who has viewed your account, and see expanded profiles on anyone in LinkedIn.You may still need to put different websites to round out your business platform. A place will be needed by you to hold conferences, to host activities, create a business community, and do movie marketing.What does Facebook have to offer the business person?The it has been made by recent changes to Facebook more business friendly. Facebook is an excellent destination for a build relationships, locate like-minded people, and join business groups. Fb activates over a million people and is thus a great place for acquiring customers and business associates.Google presents related capabilities plus a ?hang-out? room where you could get together to ten people at a time. Also with Google you can make several email accounts and use every one for a different purpose.In the offline world when you take a break from work you go right down to the neighborhood cafe and strike up conversations. Or you use the coffee shop to meet customers and examine a business offer. Well Facebook, for the web business person, is like the coffee house. It?s a place to improve your group of friends and develop trusting relationships.What in the event that you could just take breaks at the cafe and then merge all of your business websites into one on-line business community? This business group would be your office focused on doing business.It would be a first-rate business marketing software where you?ve everything you need at your finger tips. A worldwide on-line business network that gives such things as: Event hosting and arrangement
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Internal marketing like LinkedInChoosing between Facebook and a business area platform would no further be required. You may use the best of both. Work at any office and consider breaks at the coffee shop!!

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Eli's on the Hill in Branford is part of Eli's Restaurant Group, which includes Eli's on Whitney in Hamden, Eli's Brick Oven Pizza in Branford and Laurel View Country Club in Hamden. Eli's on the Hill opened in 2008.

Eli's in Branford offers comfortable spacing for fine dining. A raised deck outside has plenty of tables and a fully-stocked bar with an extensive selection of draft beer. The bar is set away from the dining area so as not to disturb diners.?

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PFT: Stafford has outing cut short by hand injury


After a bailiff cries ?all rise? and Judge David S. Doty strolls, marches, and/or glides into his Minneapolis courtroom the morning after the Giants host the Cowboys in the first game of the regular season, the NFL and NFLPA will get their first glimpse into the predispositions of the jurist who?ll decide whether or not the union?s surprising claim of a ?secret salary cap? in 2010 may proceed.

It was a surprise because the claim came well after 2010 ended, and after the new CBA presumably wiped the slate clean between the league and the players, erasing all pending legal issues including any collusion claims that could have been made based on actual or perceived restraints on spending in a year that was supposed to have none.? (Technically, the labor deal imposed a handful of limits in 2010, such as restrictions on the free-agent signings by the teams finishing in the final eight from 2009.)

It was a surprise also because the NFLPA had signed off on cap penalties imposed on the Cowboys and Redskins, penalties which revealed that the two teams were being punished because they didn?t comply with the ?spirit? of a salary cap that didn?t exist.? The union agreed with the penalties because the union desperately needed the NFL likewise to agree to a number-fudging that would allow the NFLPA to avoid the kind of reduction in the salary cap from 2011 to 2012 that would have been awkward, to say the least, as executive director DeMaurice Smith?s re-election approached.

Now that the billable hours have hit the fan, Judge Doty will have to decide whether he?s more persuaded by technicality, or by equity.

As framed by the NFLPA in its final written submission, a copy of which PFT has obtained, the players claim that the NFL didn?t do enough to engineer a release and waiver of claims for past collusion when the new CBA was finalized and all pending litigation was concluded in 2011.? Apart from whether the documents drafted by the parties contained the right magic words to make the claims for collusion in 2010 disappear, the NFLPA has advanced an intriguing argument based on the nature of class actions.? (Try to stay awake on this, please.? If it helps, the link on ?magic words? goes to a Bugs Bunny cartoon.)

The union smartly argues that claims made on behalf of a class of litigants can be extinguished by court order only.? And so the union claims that, by not ensuring that Judge Doty would officially wipe out the collusion claims, the collusion claims weren?t wiped out.

If Judge Doty agrees, it will mean that the league?s lawyers screwed up.

Balanced against that technical application of the rules is fairness and common sense.? Regardless of the specific words or procedures used by the parties, the idea was to hit the reset button on all legal issues between the parties.? The league made concessions and the players made concessions and now the players are trying to avoid one of the concessions they made.? Some judges would decide, quickly, that such an outcome simply isn?t fair.

Compounding the potential for a finding that the NFLPA is pushing for a fundamentally unfair outcome is the fact that the players gladly signed off on cap penalties that necessarily exposed the existence of collusion in 2010 in order to get something the NFLPA needed ? a higher salary cap in 2012.? It?s unseemly, to say the least, for the NFLPA to now try to use that which it gave up to get a high cap number as the basis for seeking billions in collusion damages for allegedly depressed spending in 2010, especially since it should have been obvious to anyone paying attention that something fishy was going on.

Did the NFL engage in collusion in 2010?? Yes, in our opinion.? Should the NFLPA has done something about it in 2010?? Yes, in our opinion.? Is there something that doesn?t feel right about the NFLPA agreeing to the cap penalties that made the collusion crystal clear and then suing for collusion?? Absolutely.

But what we/I/anyone else thinks doesn?t matter.? Judge Doty will provide the first official word on the issue.? And if Doty agrees that the collusion case may proceed, look for the NFL try to appeal that decision immdiately, arguing that if the next level in the federal court system sees it the NFL?s way, there?s no reason to spend the time and money associated with developing the evidence that would prove collusion.

Even though that evidence should be fairly easy to find.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Curiosity Rover Zaps A Rock, Starts To Roll

Copyright ? 2012 National Public Radio. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.


This is SCIENCE FRIDAY, I'm Ira Flatow.


FLATOW: Yup, they were cheering again this week at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The Mars Rover Curiosity made its first moves on the Red Planet. It wiggled its wheels, and it's rolling away from the landing site, toward a spot called Glenelg, actually you can spell it backwards and forwards the same way because it's going to return there.

But even before leaving tracks in the dusty, Curiosity took Mars' temperature, and the weather report says it's a balmy 30 degrees Fahrenheit by day and dipping down into the negative 100s by night. It also zapped a rock with its onboard laser, vaporizing part of the rock to study its composition.

And now that it's headed away from Bradbury Base, what might it find? Remember the reports of methane on Mars? Can the Rover sniff around to follow up on that mystery? Here to, possibly answer all those questions, is Richard Cook. He's deputy project manager for the Mars Science Laboratory at JPL in Pasadena. He joins us by phone. Welcome to SCIENCE FRIDAY, Dr. Cook.

RICHARD COOK: Hi, Ira, how are you?

FLATOW: Hi there. So Curiosity took its first little wheels, it rocked, and it rolled today, or this week, rolling around.

COOK: It did. Yeah, it did. A couple days ago we drove backwards and forwards both, just to test out that the wheels, the motors would work and that the wheels were all in good shape. And so it was our first tracks on Mars, so to speak.

FLATOW: And what was the purpose of its first laser beam?

COOK: Well, that's a big part of the checkout of the - what we're doing for the first month or so is just going through and sort of systematically checking out each part of the Rover, all of the science instruments, the basic mobility, capability, the arm, the different pieces just to make sure everything is okay after the voyage to Mars.

And then we'll start doing the science mission and really, in earnest, you know, start exploring the area around Bradbury's Landing. It's - in the case of ChemCam, we also get the benefit with the laser that we were actually able to do some early science measurements, as well. And so, as part of the checkout, we got science data in addition.

FLATOW: Do you have a rock in mind that you want to zap in earnest?

COOK: We did, yeah. Well, we actually zapped pretty much the area right around where the Rover landed. And it's actually interesting to the scientists because the plume of the rocket engines actually, sort of, scoured out an area on both sides of the Rover, which normally Mars is covered, all the surface area is covered, with a lot of dust.

And sort of as a beneficial byproduct of the rocket engines coming down close to the ground, it just sort of blew away all that dust and allowed us to actually take a measurement of the, sort of, uncovered material.

FLATOW: And what is your first destination?

COOK: Well, you mentioned the Glenelg area is where we're trying to go. We actually picked this particular landing site in Gale Crater because of Mount Sharp, which is the big mountain that you can see in some of the pictures, and that's the eventual destination that Rover will head towards.

One of the benefits of all of the orbiting spacecraft around Mars, at this point, is that we're able to actually take lots of science measurements from orbit. And it turns out that there's an interesting rock outcropping a few hundred yards away from where the Rover has set down. And so it's actually in the opposite direction from Mount Sharp, but because the scientists were sort of intrigued by that, they wanted to go check that out first.

And so, literally in the next few days, we'll begin to make our way over that way, and it'll take - it'll probably take two or three weeks to get there, depending on how much we stop.

FLATOW: So, tell us a bit more about what's so intriguing about this rock.

COOK: It's actually interesting because it's unlike - from orbit at least, it's unlike other rocks that we've seen on Mars, or it's an unusual sort of rock in that it has a lot of heat capacity. The heat capacity of the rock, if you think about it, things that are very lightweight like dust don't have very much heat capacity. They get hot, and they get cold very quickly.

Big rocks, you know, that are sort of out rock - outcroppings that are very heavy - it takes them a while to get hot and then a while to get cold at night, for example. In this particular case, what we see in this area is we can't see rock outcroppings, but we see what looks like a very flat area, where, you know, it would look like just soil.

But instead of being soil or dust-like in its heat capacity, it actually looks much higher. And so what we think is happening is that it's a very, sort of, hard rock surface. And, you know, an analogous thing if you look from space here onto the Earth would be like a cement parking lot. Of course it's not a cement parking lot, but it would be something like that, where it wasn't dirt, but it was very, very hard material.

And as I said, it's something that's pretty unusual for Mars, we haven't seen before, and so that's why they want to go check it out.

FLATOW: Are you going to zap it and drill it? Because I know you have a big drill onboard, too.

COOK: Yes, we will. We hope to. The idea of this drive is to give us time to check out the rest of the sampling hardware. We will be able to take ChemCam laser measurements as we go, but we do need to do a little bit more work to check out the scoop, for example, and the drill. And so that'll take us, you know, probably another month or so to get all that hardware checked out.

By that point, we hope to be at the - in the area of the Glenelg area, and so it'll be good timing to try to get our first samples.

FLATOW: So you'll be testing out while you're moving, along the way?

COOK: Yeah, we also - yes in the sense that there are some functions where we can stop partway and do pieces of it, check out various elements of it. We also want to do some testing here on the ground. There's some additional test work that we still need to finish up here on the ground, and so we'll do that while we're driving.

FLATOW: You know, I was surprised to see that it was pretty balmy during the day there, and then it gets really frigid at night. How do you protect all that electronics from freezing over when, you know, the extremes of weather like that?

COOK: Well, the Rover is designed to handle it. The electronics are - most electronics that you, you know, build for space can go down to - and operate down at the minus-50, minus-55 degrees (unintelligible) level. We actually - most of our electronics that's inside the Rover never gets that cold. The Rover kind of keeps itself warm, you might say, and it doesn't get that cold inside the Rover.

Excuse me. The things that we worry about are actually on the outside, and in particular there are some electronics out there which can get down to minus-100, and there's motors. And the motors have a problem, if you've ever tried to, you know, drive a car in very cold weather in the Midwest or the North during the winter, you know, the car, you can - it sometimes takes a little bit to get it moving because the lubrication sort of freezes up, and the motor has a hard time turning.

That's the problem we have when trying to operator motors on Mars when it's quite cold. And so we just - what we use is we use heaters. And we have little electrical heaters that a few hours before we want to drive or turn the science cameras, for example, we turn on heaters, we heat them up to the point where they're relatively warm, warm enough to operate, and then we're able to go ahead with the science observations.

FLATOW: You've obviously lived in Alaska or Minnesota if you know what a heater is on your car.


COOK: Exactly. Born in North Dakota, so yeah, I should know.

FLATOW: So of course you would have thought of that.


FLATOW: To put it in the car. And so after you go to the big rock, that'll be sort of the testing, your testing phase. Where would - would you turn around and then head back toward the mountain?

COOK: That's exactly right, yeah. We'll basically spend, you know, somewhere - I would say we'll spend two or three months, you know, between getting there, exploring the area around the Glenelg area, but really the scientists want to get to Mount Sharp. And so I think we'll, you know, very rapidly turn back around and head back, you know, in the direction of the big target that the scientists have picked.

And we just need to make - you know, at that point I think they'll be - that curiosity will be sort of satisfied temporarily at least, and they'll just want to get to the main target of the mission.

FLATOW: You know, there are a lot of people that are wondering that - are there traces of methane. We've seen possible traces of methane, which they speculate might come from organisms, or past or present. Can you sniff the Martian air and see if there's any methane there?

COOK: Yes, we can. In fact, we're doing it today for the first time. The mission has onboard, in addition, sort of a chemistry laboratory. And one of the purposes of the chemistry laboratory, of course, is to look at the rocks and soil that we're able to process and in particular look for organic material that hopefully would be there from ancient times on Mars, when it was more habitable.

But in addition to that, that same instrument can actually also just suck in Mars atmosphere and can look for methane. And methane is definitely something that we think is primarily associated with biological sources, obviously here on the Earth.

There are some ways in which methane can be created without, you know, living organisms, and so we need to be able to differentiate between the two. But yeah, Mars, there have been investigations done from here on the Earth where we're looking through telescopes at Mars, and we see indications of methane.

And I think hopefully, like I said in the first, next few days, we'll begin to at least see whether or not we can detect similar things.

FLATOW: You know, when you touched down, there were people who were talking about gee, this looks just like the Southwest, down in the desert there. Can you smell it, as if it might be the Southwest? Is there any way to say gee, it smells like the Southwest?


COOK: Well, I think that the Southwest has got a lot of smells that come from living things, despite the fact that it's very dry. And so I don't think it'll smell quite like that. But in a way, that's what we're doing with the SAM instrument is we're smelling Mars to see what it's like.

FLATOW: Do you have any backup, like a couple of people have tweeted, do you have backup drill bits in case - everybody breaks a drill bit, you know?

COOK: Yeah, we do. That's actually one of the more - you know, as amazing as the landing system was with the Sky Crane and everything, the Rover is a great work of engineering itself, and in particular the drill is the first time we've taken a - it's essentially a hammer drill for the home enthusiast there. You know, you can use it to drill into concrete with.

It both rotates, and it vibrates. And you're exactly right. One of the things anybody who has a hammer drill at home notices is that they break bits. And so we actually have carried a set of spare bits, just two that are on the front of the Rover, and actually without essentially any - I mean, we have to tell it to do it, but the spacecraft of the Rover has the ability on its own to release the bit that's currently on the drill and to put a new one on, all while it's on Mars.

FLATOW: No need to go to Sears on Mars, then.

COOK: That's right, that's right.

FLATOW: Thank you very much, Dr. Cook, for taking time to be with us today. And we'll be in touch.

COOK: Thank you.

FLATOW: You're welcome. Richard Cook, deputy project manager for the Mars Science Laboratory at JPL. We're going to take a break, and we're going to talk about the fires that have ravaged the Western U.S., leaving millions of acres charred. Are we on track for a record year? Can you predict the paths of these fires? And what can you learn from tree rings to tell you about fires of the past? We're going to talk about all of that. So stay with us, we'll be right back after this break.


FLATOW: I'm Ira Flatow; this is SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR.

Copyright ? 2012 National Public Radio. All rights reserved. No quotes from the materials contained herein may be used in any media without attribution to National Public Radio. This transcript is provided for personal, noncommercial use only, pursuant to our Terms of Use. Any other use requires NPR's prior permission. Visit our permissions page for further information.

NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by a contractor for NPR, and accuracy and availability may vary. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Please be aware that the authoritative record of NPR's programming is the audio.


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The Inevitable Romney And Obama Condoms Are Here | YourTango

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Spice up your regular condom stash with election-themed gag gifts. Or ... don't!

It was only a matter of time before a condom company decided to cash in on the 2012 election.

It was only a matter of time before a prophylactics company decided to cash in on the election: Sex sells, after all.?

Say It With A Condom, a New York-based customized condom company, has come out with Romney rubbers which are advertised as being "great for any position," and Obama condoms promising not to "break as easily as his promises." ("Hope" is not a form of protection, right?)

Although the Obama condoms should be offensive to his supporters, they're actually outselling the Mitt-themed love-mitts by six to seven percent.?

Company president Ben?Sherman said?he's not surprised by the discrepancy in sales among parties, since Republicans aren't as fond of birth control of any kind.?"Democrats just seem more receptive to condoms than Republicans," he said.

One thing we don't understand is why anyone would want to allow any possibility of thinking about Mitt Romney while having sex. Shudder.

Read more and see photos on Huffington Post Weird News:?Romney Condoms 'Great For Any Position'; Obama Rubbers Won't Break 'As Easily As His Promises'

More from Huffington Post Weird News:


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Norway declares Breivik sane in mass murder trial

OSLO (Reuters) - A Norwegian court found Anders Behring Breivik sane on Friday in the murder of 77 people in a gun and bomb massacre last year, sending him to jail for at least 21 years and dismissing the prosecution's request for an insane verdict.

Breivik, who has admitted detonating a fertilizer bomb outside government headquarters, killing eight, before gunning down 69 at the ruling party's summer youth camp, faces the possibility of indefinite extensions to his sentence.

Many survivors and victims' families wanted a sane verdict, saying the opposite would diminish his responsibility for the attacks.

Breivik said he targeted the ruling centre-left Labour Party for its support of Muslim immigration. He dismissed being called a child murderer, arguing that his victims, some as young as 14, were brainwashed activists whose support for multiculturalism threatened to adulterate pure Norwegian blood.

Breivik himself had argued for the sane verdict as he wanted the attack to be seen as a political statement.

(Reporting by Balazs Koranyi, Editing by Alistair Scrutton)


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Friday, August 24, 2012

D-list actor allegedly threatens Harvey Weinstein's family

(WireImage/Getty Images)An aspiring actor who allegedly made death threats against Harvey Weinstein's family in an attempt to extort $4 million from the film producer has been arrested by federal agents.

Vivek Shah, 25, was living in West Hollywood, Calif., while trying to launch a career in film and television. The Akron, Ohio, native, whose biggest claims to fame are bit parts on "Bones," "Outsourced" and an unaccredited role in "The Dark Knight," attempted a fast-track to fortune by allegedly shaking down one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, among other powerful magnates.

Shah is accused of sending menacing letters not only to Weinstein, the Oscar-winning producer of "Shakespeare in Love," but also to four other millionaire tycoons, including a coal magnate, an oil executive and the owner of an NHL team.

"Each of these letters contained a threat to kill named members of the recipient's family unless a large sum of money was wired to an offshore bank account," Postal Inspector Joshua Mehall said in a sworn affidavit.

Weinstein is not named in the affidavit, but the 60-year-old co-chairman of The Weinstein Co. is described as "a Connecticut resident and co-founder of a film studio." Weinstein lives in Westport, Conn., where he recently hosted a $35,800-per-person fundraising event for Barack Obama.

Also allegedly targeted by Shah was coal magnate Christopher Cline, who is worth an estimated $1.5 billion, and from whom Shah allegedly attempted to extort $13 million. The affidavit signed by Mehall indicated that a letter sent to Cline contained "wiring instructions for a bank in Cyprus."

Although his acting resume is thin, Shah, a self-described "entrepreneur" and film producer, can be seen photographed in shots posted on his Facebook profile and IMDb page alongside some of Hollywood's elite actors, including Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, Zach Galifianakis and many others.

Shah was arrested Aug. 10 by federal agents at his parents' home near Chicago after he was named in a U.S. District Court complaint for allegedly sending threatening interstate communications. He is being held without bail in West Virginia, which is where one of his alleged targets lives.

According to documents posted on The Smoking Gun, Shah was "scheduled for training in handgun shooting" at a gun range in Los Angeles, investigators say.

Shah was born in Ohio, but moved to India for 10 years with his family before returning to the United States, according to his IMDb profile. He studied at Columbia College Chicago and later at the Chicago Actors Studio and Chicago's Second City Training Center.

If convicted of the felony charges, Shah faces a maximum 20-year prison term.

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