Riga Technical University and Latvian Chess Federation have an honour to announce the second ?Riga Technical University Open?, which will take place on August 6-12 at the main building of Riga Technical University located in the heart of Riga ? the old town.
The program of the festival will feature two ELO tournaments and a blitz tournament.
The first Riga Technical Open was held in August 2011 and won by GM Alberto David. 138 players from 17 countries participated in the main tournaments, including 8 GMs and 7 IMs.
The guaranteed prize fund for the second edition of the festival is 5250 LVL (7500 EUR). First prize of the tournament A is guaranteed to be 1000 LVL (1410 EUR), special prizes for women, juniors, seniors and rating prizes.
The playing hall
Tournament A
Swiss System, 9 rounds, August 6-12, open for all players. The tournament will have GM, IM, WGM and WIM norms.
At the moment of writing 106 participants from 28 countries have been registered to the Tournament A, including 24 GMs. Top 10 of the registered players is the following:
1 GM Tiviakov Sergei NED 2673
2 GM Turov Maxim RUS 2667
3 GM Fridman Daniel GER 2653
4 GM Fedorchuk Sergey UKR 2634
5 GM Romanov Evgeny RUS 2631
6 GM David Alberto LUX 2606
7 GM Fier Alexandr BRA 2599
8 GM Ehlvest Jaan USA 2594
9 GM Kravtsiv Martyn UKR 2588
10 GM Shankland Samuel L USA 2581
Tournament B
Swiss System, 7 rounds August 9-12, open for players with ELO below 2150.
Early entries for the ELO tournaments and accommodation requests should be sent before 15th of July. Special prices for hotels are available till this date, too.
More detailed information about schedule, accommodation and registration can be found in regulations attached to this mail or in the official homepage of the tournament.
The festival can also be combined with annual Latvian chess festival ?Liepajas Rokade 2012? that will take place in Liepaja (~200km from Riga) on August 2-5.
Contact information:
E-mail: chess@rtu.lv
Phone: +371 29876891
On behalf of the organizers I would like to invite all chess players to participate in the Riga Technical University Open and all together develop the biggest tournament of classical chess in Latvia! Hope to see you in Riga!
Tournament director
IO Egons Lavendelis
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