Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 8 October 2012

Why sea ice records are poles apart

Levels of sea ice seem to be heading in opposite directions at the Earth's poles, for complex reasons

Star-shaped waves emerge from wobbly oil

Watch how an unusual pattern can emerge while shaking a tray of silicone oil

Chinese telcos branded national security risk for US

Fearing that internet routers and phone switches could relay secrets to Chinese intelligence, the US is warning against two foreign makes of telecoms kit

Cloning and stem cell Nobel for Gurdon and Yamanaka

John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka have won this year's Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine for showing that cells can be rewound to an embryonic state

Tech festival of dazzling displays but no big picture

This year's Ars Electronica festival lost its way in search of territory where science and art are truly integrated

Black-hole laser edges closer to testing Hawking

A novel laser could confirm Stephen Hawking's theory that black holes emit light - and find practical applications

Look to the ceiling for mathematical enlightenment

These kaleidoscope-like photos of the interiors of domes show places of worship in a new, mathematical light

Japan's Yamanaka wins Nobel for stem cell breakthrough

Joint Nobel prize winner Shinya Yamanaka talks about turning adult human cells into cells akin to embryonic stem cells - and his ethical worries

The sickening truth about wind farm syndrome

Hilltop turbines are being blamed for myriad maladies. Simon Chapman deconstructs the outlandish claims levelled against these modern windmills

The ultimate guide to memory

We are all collections of memories, yet memory, with its many virtues and flaws, has puzzled for centuries. New Scientist set out to clear the fog

Mammals' ancestor was not as puny as we thought

A new genetic analysis suggests that the common ancestor of modern mammals may not have been shrewlike in size, but more like a small monkey

App helps tell your colourful pills apart

Software that identifies different pills by sight could help avoid dangerous drug mix-ups

Webcam + sunshine + time = 3D model of your world

Using only webcam pictures and seasonal sunshine, a new system can create incredibly detailed 3D models of outdoor environments

Wasp has hints of a clockwork brain

The tiny greenhouse whitefly parasite has brain cells so slender, they may not behave like normal neurons - and may work mechanically instead

Astrophile: Supernova impostor explodes for real

The latest outburst of SN 2009ip was no fake and the death was like no other - that has implications for a nearby, looming star explosion

Source: http://feeds.newscientist.com/c/749/f/492992/s/2440cf2a/l/0L0Snewscientist0N0Cblogs0Cshortsharpscience0C20A120C10A0Ctoday0Eon0Enew0Escientist0E80Eoctob0E10Bhtml/story01.htm

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